La Ermita – The Hermitage’s Bookstore

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Paperback, 83 pages

$ 8.00 Paperback edition

$ 2.00 Kindle edition


A wonderful series of articles that tie together nicely the ends of the all important theme that love can solve and will solve all struggles step by step. Human parenthood is made to the image and likeness of Divine Parenthood




  Paperback,79 paginas

$ 8.00 Librito edición

$ 2.00 Kindle edición


La Amorosa Maternidad/


Una maravillosa serie de artículos que unen muy bien los extremos del tema tan importante que el amor puede resolver y resolverá todas las luchas, paso a paso. La paternidad humana esta hecha en la imagen y semejanza de la Paternidad Divina




Description: Description: Sophia The Holy SpiritPaperback, 36 pages

 $ 6.50   Paperback edition

 $ 1.50   Kindle edition


This booklet will help a Christian know and relate to the Holy Spirit in a true human way.  This is Her moment in history. It began on Pentecost Sunday. With Her a Christian is a full complete born again person.




 A sign on a dirt road

Description generated with very high confidence

 Paperback, 68 pages

$  2.00    Kindle Edition  

$  8.00    Paperback  edition

This is a book of parables that may help any man who had difficulties developing into adult life. Each parable offers an opportunity for meditations that can release repressed fears and angers that are still living within, but which desire healing.




Paperback, 48 pages

$ 7.00     Kindle Paperback

$ 1.00     Kindle Edition


The Sacraments are special sacred moments in a Christian's daily life that need to be experienced in their relationships with others. Too many of us have allowed the sacraments to be only ritualistic moments. We need to change that awareness and become aware of what a great loving experience being a Christian can be. This book opens that door for all of us. The Sacraments are signs that make God visible in and among us.




 Paperback, 24 pages

$7.50   Paperback edition

$1.50   Kindle edition


Don’t you think it’s time? Don’t you think it’s time? Yes, I do!”

 A wonderful invitation from the Judd Sisters’ song “Love Can Build a Bridge.”  This little booklet challenges us all to be love so that bridges are built. It will challenge you in your thoughts and feelings because love and our expressions of it have become so confused and misunderstood. Take the challenge. Read it and be lost with its thought. Let’s find our love within so that we can share it will all, and that includes our beloved Triune God.


Librito, 64 paginas

$ 5.00  Librito Edición

$ 2.00  Kindle Edición


El vivir una vida de amor es un deseo básico de todos. Sin embargo, muchos de nosotros que debemos ser expertos en compartirlo realmente no entienden de qué se trata. Juan en su primera epístola dijo: "Dios es amor, y el que permanece en el amor, permanece en Dios y Dios en él."  Que sus palabras y sus ideas abran las puertas místicas del verdadero amor para todos, especialmente para aquellos a quienes se les ha dicho que son rechazados y condenados por Dios.


 Paperback, 63 pages

$ 5.00   Paperback edition

$ 2.00   Kindle Edition


Living a life of love is a basic desire of all. Yet many of us who should be experts in sharing it really do not understand what it is truly about. John in his first epistle said, "God is love, and he who abides in love, abides in God and God in him."  May his words and insights open the mystical doors of true love for all, especially for those who have been told they are rejected and damned by God.




Libro, 74 paginas

$ 7.00  Libro edición

$ 1.00  Kindle edición


El libro explica como nosotros podemos vivir cada día los siete sacramentos, porque no existen solamente para los sagrados minutos de administración.







Paperback, 74 pages

$ 9.00  Paperback edition

$ 2.50  Kindle Edition  


This is a book about the spirituality of relationships. All that we need to help us

grow physically and spiritually exists in our daily lived relationships. They are the  catalysis for our growth. The mystics of old have called this Path the road to a mystical spiritual marriage with one of the       Divine Persons.






   Paperback, 45 pages

   $5.00   Paperback edition

   $1.00   Kindle edition


Excellent for dialogue and meditation concerning the unity of the seven chakras with the seven sacramentes, seven gifts of the Holy Spirit andseven captial sins.





   Paperback, 49 paginas

   $5.00  Librito edicion

   $1.00  Kindle edicion


 Este librito es excelente para  meditacion.        Se muestra la conexión entre los siete     chacras, siente sacramentos, siete  dones    de Espiritu Santo y siete pecados  capitales.




sunrise title


Paperback, 126 pages

$10.00  Paperback edition

$2.00    Kindle edition


The Biography of Teo, the Hermit.






Paperback, 192 Pages

$10.00 Paper back edition

$ 5.00  Kindle edition


This is a compendium of four books published by La Ermita – The Hermitage. 1. Sophia, the Divine Feminine, 2. A Path to Divine Intimate Love, 3 The Odyssey of Teo, 4 The Divine and Human Fatherhood.

“Father, forgive them for they know not what they do” is a basic principle for spiritual and  personal growth in love.




Paperback, 31 pages

$ 7.50  Librito edición

$ 1.50  Kindle edición


Este librito va a desafiarnos a crear puentes en el amor amistades, pensamientos y sentimiento de amor: amor incondicional. Muchos de nosotros estamos confundidos sobre que es el amor para un cristiano.




La Ermita’s Internet Brochures/Folletos


Los dos folletos nuestros son gratuitos para cualquier persona usar en sus mensajes de correo electrónico. No están hechas para la impresión como un folleto tríptico. El Evangelio del Amor es un resumen de nuestro folleto anterior. ¿El Fruto del Amor, Ahora Prohibido? es un folleto que solo compartimos con otros folletos de VIH/SIDA cuando los jóvenes y adultos mayores nos buscan para pruebas de VIH.


Our two brochures are free for anyone to use in emails. They are not made for printing as a trifold brochure. The Gospel of Love is a resume of our booklet above. The Fruit of Love, Now Forbidden? is a pamphlet that we share alone with other HIV/AIDS pamphlets as we reach out to young and older adults who seek HIV testing.











Holy Family

Familia Santa







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